Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Has anyone read this book before? (Other then a few of you ladies I've already talked with about this matter, you know who you are.)

HypnoBirthing® - The Mongan Method - is a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education, enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques. HypnoBirthing® provides the missing link that allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing. Emphasis is placed on pregnancy and childbirth, as well as on pre-birth parenting and the consciousness of the pre-born baby. As a birthing method, HypnoBirthing® is as new as tomorrow and as old as ancient times.

I've been reading this book lately and it sure has some interesting concepts. There definitely are some helpful things to take away from it's pages. However, there's also some pretty crazy things too.
Is it ACTUALLY possible to have a pain free delivery?


Mom To B and W said...

My friend's sister-in-law did this with the second two of her three children. She swears by this technique. However, when my friend delivered her little girl a year ago, she tried it and said she just couldn't get into it while she was actually in labor and so it did not at all work for her!

I have not read the book, but my labor ended up being very dramatic/ traumatic when the midwives (In Edinburgh) did not believe that I was truly in labor and so Mike left the hospital. Out of desperation I did a big mental switch in my thinking and breathing and was able to have a really great delivery. I wouldn't say pain free, but definitely a lot different than when I was resisting and scared before. I think I was in crisis mode (which may actually be the opposite of a hypno-birth!:) I don't know how to sum it up, but I can believe there is something mentally getting your body prepared.

If it works for you, let me know! I have no plan for this second time around.

Micah said...

hmm...pain free? sounds good to me!

Kari said...

Wow, Shayna!
I'd heard a little about your crazy delivery and so pray that this next one will be MUCH better and normal. I can't even imagine what you went through.
Regardless, I do believe there is something to the whole mental thing with delivery. My Mom had all ten naturally and made it look SOO easy...which I know it was not. However, I believe she used some of these concepts that I've been reading about even though she had never read the book.

Christina said...

I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as completely pain free delivery (although mine were easy-peasy so I can't complain). But I do giggle a little every time someone uses the words "natural birth" and talks about what a beautiful, normal thing it is. I'm pretty sure that the pain isn't what God intended. Thank you, Adam and Eve. Such are the consequences of sin.

Em said...

I seriously doubt that it is possible apart from drugs. So, why do I have natural births? I think because I'm a control-freak (like any of us really have control over anything anyway).