Thursday, September 24, 2009

The latest

Today I went for my 39 week appointment and found out that I'm 4cm's, 80% efface, 0 station, bulging membranes, and my fundal height had went down 1 cm. Thus, she ordered another u/s which showed that in one week, my amniotic fluid had gone from 11+ to 5.32 which happens to be a very low normal. They wanted me to deliver today or tomorrow, but based on a great NST today, they are letting me wait until tomorrow. However, she seemed to think that I may go on my own tonight based on everything else and continued ctxn's. WHO knows! If Eva doens't come tonight, we will go into the hospital at 7 am to brake my water...not planning on having pitocin unless needed.
I've been doing last minute laundry, cleaning, and mentally preparing for what is to come. Kinda neat that Evangeline Mae will most likely be born on my Grandma Rinehart's, (name sake) acutal birthday. Pretty amazing!
We will try to keep you all posted. Please keep us all in your prayers and especially little Eva as we are praying for a healthy, happy little girl. Edward will need some prayer too with all the big changes that are about to happen.
So that is the latest...but soon we hope to have more specific details and actual pictures of our little girl.


Anonymous said...

You're halfway there girl! Awesome considering hard labor hasn't begun. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see pics!

Rachel said...

Exciting! I'll be praying for you tonight and hoping to see something on facebook tomorrow! :)